Lace front wigs are popular wigs today. Often featuring a traditional hat construction and a length of lace at the front of the wig, the lace front wig can move freely in any direction apart, as well as a natural hairline.
The baby hair
Front lace human hair wigs have the benefit of lace, which melts into the skin by providing a smooth transition between the wig and the skin. Known for their natural hairline, lace front wigs are still a top seller in women’s wigs. Front lace wigs usually require some styling and preparation during the installation process for a smooth and natural look. We all know different styling methods, like plucking the hairline for a better gradient, and widening the section with tweezers. There are also concealer makeup tips to apply along the hairline for a more skin-like look. But of course, there is baby hair.
Slender baby hair
Baby hair is the finer, slender, or shorter hair that sits at the edge of the hairline. Their texture and appearance are usually slightly different from the rest of your hair. Many people choose to shave a few strands of hair around the lace wig hairline for a baby hair look. People often think that baby hair adds a natural look to wigs, and since so many of us have baby hair in our hair, it makes sense that wigs have it too, right? Baby hair can cover the forehead area and make any lace wig look more realistic.
In general, adding baby hair to a lace front wig can make your wigs look more natural. It is important to add baby hair to your wig to some extent. If you are looking for some stylish human hair wigs, you can now visit Kameymall, an online shop, for more details.