A curly wig is not the same as a regular wig, it can be a little more tricky to take care of. You need to take care of it in the right way or it will easily become frizzy and knotted.
We are Kameymall and we will introduce you the right way to take care of a curly wig through this article.
Tips to take care of curly wigs
1. I suggest you use a steel comb with a large gap to comb the curly wig, or use your fingers instead of a comb. Remember, when the wig is dry, do not comb it, so it may comb the curls apart. And, you also need to note that do not use a plastic comb to comb the wig, because it will generate static electricity with the wig, thus damaging to the wig.
2. After washing, use your fingers to blow around your hair inwards, so that your hair will curl up nicely after blowing.
3.When it is seven minutes dry, use elastin. Then wait for the hair to dry naturally.
4. I suggest you regularly do a little care of the wig. Curly hair is easy to break, especially when combing, so it is best to do a regular care of your wig, you let your wig will become very frizzy and difficult to manage.
5. If you feel that the wig is very frizzy, you can wait for it to dry, with a small amount of elastomer or water in the hair gently stroke a on.
6. After you wash the curly wig, you should curl the hair lock by lock when it is half dry. After the hair is completely dry, it will not be messy.
Kameymall is a network mall that provides high quality human hair wigs
If you are interested in human hair wigs, you are welcome to buy from Kameymall. We offer various styles of human hair wigs. Such as deep wave wig, straight wig or short wig. I am sure you will get the best wig here.