If you wash and maintain your bikini the right way, it can last a long time. Therefore, the correct way to care for your bikini is very necessary. If you don't know the specific method, please read this article carefully, I will teach you how to maintain your bikini.
Three steps
Before swimming
- If you apply sunscreen all over your body, you have to wait a few minutes, and then put on your bikini swimsuits after the sunscreen is half dry.
- After you put on your bikini, please avoid sitting on rough objects, as rough objects may wear down your bikini. So, to avoid damage after all, you don't sit on a rough surface.
- Wet your swimsuit and trunks with water before you go into the water.
After swimming
- After swimming, you should rinse your body before taking off your bikini.
- Don't wring out your bikini too hard, because it will deform your bikini. You should roll your bikini in a dry towel to absorb excess moisture from the swimsuit.
After returning home
- Immediately wash with lukewarm water, the water temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. I recommend soaking your bikini for 10 minutes in a neutral detergent.
- Rinse the bikini thoroughly with your hands. Never use a washing machine to wash your bikini, because the washing machine may damage the bikini and cause the bikini to deform.
- Do not wring the bikini swimsuit too hard after washing.
- Bikini swimwear should not be exposed to the sun to avoid the fabric becoming brittle.
- Store the bikini in a cool place after drying.
Buy a good and cheap bikini at Kameymall
If you're interested in bikinis, why not take a look at Kameymall? The bikinis it offers are not only complete in style, but also affordable. Welcome to Kameymall to buy.