Starting gymnastics is a great way to improve your physical, mental and social skills. If you want to improve your sport performance, gymnastic training builds your strength, endurance, balance, and flexibility, making gymnastics an excellent gateway to other sports.
Basic skills for beginners
As a gymnast, you can quickly learn the basic elements of the sport on the air track mat to help you progress as an athlete. Basic skills like forward rolls, handstands, and cartwheels are some of the basic gymnastic skills you learn for the first time in class. These moves complement each other for more difficult skills such as backhand springs and other flips. Even as you get older, you must continue to train your basic skills to perfect your technique. Here are a few basic gymnastics skills to develop when you’re just starting out.
The plank
First, you can place your arms directly under your shoulders, keeping your body completely straight like a plank, then squeeze your hips and hold. It can be helpful to sit on a mat like an air track mat to minimize the impact on the elbow and ankle joints. This simple move can improve arm, core and quadriceps strength. It is also helpful for improving stability and balance. The plank helps improve flexibility in shoulders, feet and hamstrings.
The wall sit
To get a proper wall sitting position, you can start with your back flush with the wall and position yourself as if you were sitting on a chair. Your legs should be at a 90° angle. Hold this position for as long as possible without touching your legs. This move is good for tones and strengthens muscles, and it can improve posture and increase balance.
If you are going to purchase an air track mat, Kameymall, an online store, can be your top choice.